APRIL 2024 EVENT Occupational Health Awareness
Topic: Occupational Health Awareness
Date: Wednesday 24th April 2024
Venue: Workplace Wellbeing, Foley Street Trading Estate, Hereford HR1 2SF
Hours: 09:00 ‘til 12:00
This year’s Hereford Health and Safety Site Visit will be to occupational health providers, Workplace Wellbeing. Rather than the traditional site tour, you are invited to come along to the Workplace Wellbeing clinic facility, which is based at Foley Street Trading Estate HR1 2SF (Parking is very limited on the Trading Estate, therefore you may wish to park on Ledbury road, and walk to the clinic which is at the bottom of Foley Street on the left-hand side)
Occupational Health Professionals will be available to take you through the varying statutory requirements in health surveillance or discuss additional occupational health services such as specialist medicals, drug and alcohol testing, sickness absence case management, and counselling support.
The clinic will be open to HHSG members on Wednesday 24th of April from 09.00 to 12 noon. Refreshments will be available through the morning, while there will also be opportunities to have hearing tested, lung function assessed, blood pressure taken, or even cholesterol levels measured!