Accident Investigation & Sentencing Guidelines 18th November 2015
In any business or organisation things don’t always go to plan. You need to prepare to deal with unexpected events in order to reduce their consequences. Workers and managers will be more competent in dealing with the effects of an accident or emergency if you have effective plans in place that are regularly tested,
On the 13th of November 2014, the Sentencing Council published for consultation draft sentencing guidelines for corporate manslaughter and health and safety offences.The aim of the new guidelines is to focus sentencing more closely on the financial means of the offender, with turnover linked fines.
Seminar Details
Dr.John Kingston’s work focuses on accident investigation, the management of safety risk, and the readability of corporate texts. Dr Kingston heads a company based in The UK (John Kingston Ltd) which provides training and consultancy services in accident investigation and risk management. He works in a variety of sectors: Aerospace, Fire and Rescue Services, Government and Oil & Gas production.
HHSG member Ian Beddis Global Safety Coordinator for BASF Metals Ltd has kndly offered to present a recent event at BASF in which a major incident took place whereby both the HSE and the E.A where involved in the investigation. Please keep checking back for more details.
- 08:30 – 09:00 Registration and refreshments
- 09:00 – 10:00 Dr John Kingston – Accident Investigation presentation
- 10:00 – 10:30 Ian Beddis of BASF – Major Chemical Spill presentation
- 10:30 – 10:45 Refreshments
- 10:45 – 11:45 Paul Mathews – Sentencing guidelines presentation
- 11:45 – 12 noon Questions to the presenters to end of seminar